Yentyl Williams, a dual national of Trinidad and Tobago and the UK, brings a decade of experience working on EU relations with the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states.
Yentyl worked in the public (European Commission, CTA, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)) and private sector (consulting), as well as in academia (Ghent University). She has been researching and publishing on the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements since 2011, and is currently completing her PhD at the University of Bristol on "Geographical Indication in the Third World: Reconceptualising Intellectual Property for Sustainable Development."
Yentyl was formerly, Director and Founder of the award-winning non-profit, the ACP Young Professionals Network (ACP YPN). Yentyl is a graduate of King's College London, Sciences Po Paris and post-graduate of the College of Europe, Bruges, and has travelled widely in Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and South America.